What to Expect

There can be a lot of questions and unknowns involved when visiting a church for the first time. Below we have a list of questions to help you to know what to expect when visiting Faith.

Where should I park?
Faith has a parking lot located behind the sanctuary with two entrances: one off of Apperson and the other off of Mt. Gleason. Both entrances are longer pathways that run alongside the church building and open up into the parking lot that is located kitty corner to the church building.

What should I wear?
There is no dress code at Faith. People dress both formally and more informally at Faith. Come as you are!

What time should I come?
You are welcome to join us in Bible Study at 9am and the Divine Service starts at 10am. You are welcome to come early to sit in the sanctuary 15 minutes before the service and pray if you would like. Click here to find out what we are studying on Sunday morning before the service. Bibles are provided during Bible Study, but you are welcome to bring your own. Coffee and tea are provided.

What is there for my children?
In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them. For to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Because the Divine Service is a time and place where the Lord bestows his gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation to all people, we encourage families with children of all ages to worship together. If you do need to step outside of the service for moment we do have a room equipped with a speaker called the “Fireside Room.” In addition, we also provide Sunday School for children during the Bible Study hour if you would like to attend the adult Bible Study.

Should I have Holy Communion?
With the ancient Christian Church, we at Faith believe, teach, and confess that Holy Communion is central to our lives together in our common confession as we receive Jesus’ body and blood in this meal. We confess that Jesus’ body and blood are truly present in, with, and under the bread and wine. Paul admonishes the Christians in Corinth that eating and drinking the body and blood of our Lord without discernment is to eat and drink judgment upon oneself (1 Corinthians 11:27-29). We therefore encourage and ask that only those who are baptized and have been instructed in our shared confession partake of this meal. If you have not been baptized or do not share in our confession of faith we still invite you to come forward during the time of Holy Communion to receive a blessing. Please indicate this by making the sign of an “X” with your arms across your chest and the pastor will say a word of blessing.

We recommend that all guests and visitors speak with our pastor prior to taking communion. If you would like to learn more about our confession of faith, please check out our section, what we believe. If you have any questions, our pastor is always willing to have a conversation and is free to set up times for catechesis.

We hope that you visit in the near future!