Posted by faithlutherantujunga


Come and join us for our new Bible Study series on a threefold emphasis of Witness, Mercy, and LIfe Together.

This five part study begins on October 6th during our normal Sunday morning Bible Study at 9am. Food will be provided (the Word of God) and we will have refreshments as well.

Where the Holy Trinity is present and received in faith, there cannot but be witness (martyría), mercy (díakonía) and life together (koinōnía). These three reflect God’s very being as Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier, and encompass His holy and gracious will for all in Christ Jesus, namely that all come to believe in and bear witness to Christ, reflect divine compassion, and live together in forgiveness, love and joy in the Church (see The Augsburg Confession 1).
– LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison